
A3 (with Ann): Make-Up (4)

        Make-up is something that can make you more beauteous. Some people may not look good, but make-up makes them pretty. Some people are born to be lovely and make-up makes them more attractive. That is why make-up has its importance of existence.
Ann and I are interested in cosmetics. Especially, Ann has done more research on it. We usually use make-up to make ourselves look more energetic and certainly, prettier. In the following, Ann is going to show how she usually applies make-up and I am going to be the model for this demonstration.
I wash my face first before I put on make-up. Also, I will apply freshener and moisturizer. These are daily skincare after I wash my face.
The skin of Eileen’s forehead and nose is the oil part, and the skin of her chins is dry and sensitive. If we don’t do the right precaution to prevent her skin from exposing to the sun, the ray will do harm to her skin. Therefore, use the sunscreen first. Here I choose these two kinds of sunscreen. Each has different functions. The pink one I would use it on the oil part of her face and this can help her to control and delay the time that the oil comes out from her face. The white one is good for the dry part of her face because it is moisturizing.
The next is the foundation. The foundation can hide her pores, make her face smooth and the color of her face skin would be identical. It is essential to decide which color of the foundation you are going to use. We need to choose the same color as your skin color instead of choosing the whiter one, or it would be odd and the color would be different from the skin color of your neck. Put the foundation on the back of the hand. We don’t need to use too much of the foundation. A shape like a yellow pea is enough. Put the foundation on her face, use the fingers to spread it and the temperature of my hand would make her make-up obedient to stay on her face.
Use light powder foundation to control the oil of her face and also conceal the blemish on her face.
Then, use the loose powder. Take the brush to wipe over her face lightly.
Finally, put on the light blush to give her a feeling of vividness and freshness.
As for the part of her eyes, she luckily has long eyelashes and big round eyes, so I don’t want to put on any make-up on this part.
To give her a bright spot on her face, her lips are definitely an important part. Now we are still students, so I choose to use the lip balm to moisturize her lips and give her face a look of energy.
After putting on make-up, I feel prettier since my pores, acnes and blemish are concealed and I feel that I can walk on the street confidently. When I get up early in the morning, I tend to have a sleepy face. Make-up does me a favor. I look more energetic under the magic of cosmetics. Make-up is like clothes, shoes or other things that we wear. We put on those fascinating clothing to make ourselves look pretty girls. By the same token, we put on make-up to make ourselves beauties.

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A3 (with Ann): Make-Up (3)

Make-up is something that can make you more beauteous. Some people may not look good, but make-up makes them pretty. Some people are born to be lovely and make-up makes them more attractive. That is why make-up has its importance of existence.
Ann and I are interested in cosmetics. Especially, Ann has done more research on it. We usually use make-up to make ourselves look more energetic and certainly, prettier. In the following, Ann is going to show how she usually applies make-up and I am going to be the model for this demonstration.
I wash my face first before I put on make-up. Also, I will apply freshener and moisturizer. These are daily skincare after I wash my face.
The skin of Eileen’s forehead and nose is the oil part, and the skin of her chins is dry and sensitive. If we don’t do the right precaution to prevent her skin from exposing to the sun, the ray will do harm to her skin. Therefore, use the sunscreen first. Here I choose these two kinds of sunscreen. Each has different functions. The pink one I would use it on the oil part of her face and this can help her to control and delay the time that the oil comes out from her face. The white one is good for the dry part of her face because it is moisturizing.
The next is the foundation. The foundation can hide her pores, make her face smooth and the color of her face skin would be identical. It is essential to decide which color of the foundation you are going to use. We need to choose the same color as your skin color instead of choosing the whiter one, or it would be odd and the color would be different from the skin color of your neck. Put the foundation on the back of the hand. We don’t need to use too much of the foundation. A shape like a yellow pea is enough. Put the foundation on her face, use the fingers to spread it and the temperature of my hand would make her make-up obedient to stay on her face.
Use light powder foundation to control the oil of her face and also conceal the blemish on her face.
Then, use the loose powder. Take the brush to wipe over her face lightly.
Finally, put on the light blush to give her a feeling of vividness and freshness.
As for the part of her eyes, she luckily has long eyelashes and big round eyes, so I don’t want to put on any make-up on this part.
To give her a bright spot on her face, her lips are definitely an important part. Now we are still students, so I choose to use the lip balm to moisturize her lips and give her face a look of energy.
After putting on make-up, I feel prettier since my pores, acnes and blemish are concealed and I feel that I can walk on the street confidently. When I get up early in the morning, I tend to have a sleepy face. Make-up does me a favor. I look more energetic under the magic of cosmetics. Make-up is like clothes, shoes or other things that we wear. We put on those fascinating clothing to make ourselves look pretty girls. By the same token, we put on make-up to make ourselves beauties.


A3 (with Ann): Make-Up (2)

        Make-up is something that can make you more beauteous. Some people may not look good, but make-up makes them pretty. Some people are born to be lovely and make-up makes them more attractive. That is why make-up has its importance of existence.
Ann and I are interested in cosmetics. Especially, Ann has done more research on it. We usually use make-up to make ourselves look more energetic and certainly, prettier. In the following, Ann is going to show how she usually applies make-up and I am going to be the model for this demonstration.
I wash my face first before I put on make-up. Also, I will apply freshener and moisturizer. These are daily skincare after I wash my face.
The skin of Eileen’s forehead and nose is the oil part, and the skin of her chins is dry and sensitive. If we don’t do the right precaution to prevent her skin from exposing to the sun, the ray will do harm to her skin. Therefore, use the sunscreen first. Here I choose these two kinds of sunscreen. Each has different functions. The pink one I would use it on the oil part of her face and this can help her to control and delay the time that the oil comes out from her face. The white one is good for the dry part of her face because it is moisturizing.
The next is the foundation. The foundation can hide her pores, make her face smooth and the color of her face skin would be identical. It is essential to decide which color of the foundation you are going to use. We need to choose the same color as your skin color instead of choosing the whiter one, or it would be odd and the color would be different from the skin color of your neck. Put the foundation on the back of the hand. We don’t need to use too much. A shape like a yellow pea is enough. Put the foundation on her face, use the fingers to spread it and the tempature of my hand would make her make-up obedient to stay on her face.
Use the concealer to hide her acnes completely. Especially, the concealer covering the acnes on her nose also needs the help of the fingers to spread it lightly.
Use light powder foundation to control the oil of her face and also conceal the freckles on her face.
Then, use the loose powder. Take the brush to wipe over her face lightly.
Finally, put on the light blush to give her a feeling of vividness and freshness.
As for the part of her eyes, she luckily has long eyelashes and big round eyes, so I don’t want to put on any make-up on this part.
To give her a bright spot on her face, her lips are definitely an important part. Now we are still students, so I choose to use the lip balm to moisturize her lips and give her face a look of energy.
After putting on make-up, I feel prettier since my pores, acnes and freckles are concealed and I feel that I can walk on the street confidently. When I get up early in the morning, I tend to have a sleepy face. Make-up does me a favor. I look more energetic under the magic of cosmetics. Make-up is like clothes, shoes or other things that we wear. We put on those fascinating clothing to make ourselves look pretty girls. By the same token, we put on make-up to make ourselves beauties.


A3 (with Ann): Make-Up

Make-up is something that can make you more beauteous. Some people may not look good, but make-up makes them pretty. Some people are born to be lovely and make-up makes them more attractive. That is why make-up has its importance of existence.
Ann and I are interested in cosmetics. Especially, Ann has done more research on it. We usually use make-up to make ourselves look more energetic and certainly, prettier. In the following, Ann is going to show how she usually applies make-up and I am going to be the model for this demonstration.
I wash my face first before I put on make-up. Also, I will apply freshener and moisturizer. These are daily skincare after I wash my face.
The skin of Eileen’s forehead and nose is the oil part, and the skin of her chins is dry and sensitive. If we don’t do the right precaution to prevent her skin from exposing to the sun, the ray will do harm to her skin. Therefore, use the sunscreen first. Here I choose these two kinds of sunscreen. Each has different functions. The pink one I would use it on the oil part of her face and this can help her to control and delay the time that the oil comes out from her face. The white one is good for the dry part of her face because it is moisturizing.
The next is the foundation. The foundation can hide her pores, make her face smoother and the color of her face skin would be identical. It is essential to decide which color of the foundation you are going to use. We need to choose the same color as your skin color instead of choosing the whiter one, or it would be odd and the color would be different from the skin color of your neck. Put the foundation on the back of the hand. We don’t need to use too much. A shape like a yellow pea is enough. Put the foundation on her face, use the puff to spread it and it would be obedient to stay on her face.
Use the concealer to hide her acnes completely. Especially, the concealer covering the acnes on her nose also needs the help of the puff to spread it.
Use light powder foundation to control the oil of her face and also conceal the freckles on her face.
Then, use the loose powder. Take the brush to wipe over her face lightly.
Finally, put on the light blush to give her a feeling of vividness and freshness.
As for the part of her eyes, she luckily has long eyelashes and big round eyes, so I don’t want to put on any make-up on this part.
To give her a bright spot on her face, her lips are definitely an important part. Now we are still students, so I choose to use the lip balm to moisturize her lips and give her face a look of energy.
After putting on make-up, I feel prettier since my pores, acnes and freckles are concealed and I feel that I can walk on the street confidently. When I get up early in the morning, I tend to have a sleepy face. Make-up does me a favor. I look more energetic under the magic of cosmetics. Make-up is like clothes, shoes or other things that we wear. We put on those fascinating clothing to make ourselves look pretty girls. By the same token, we put on make-up to make ourselves beauties.