
A2: Why, Two Part-Time Jobs(Final Version)

    “What? You are doing two part-time jobs at the same time. Don’t get yourself so busy. You have to concentrate on your studies and have fun with your friends during the four-year college life. Trust me. You will regret working.” A friend of mine said but I did not take her words seriously as I know why I chose to work and I made the decision with a second thought.
    I am a sophomore and I have two part-time jobs. My family is not so wealthy that I can ask them money as much as I wish, but I looked for jobs not because I did not have much money to spend. Responsibility is my reason.
    I moved to Taipei for my studies and the expense of everything here is high since it is the capital city. Also, when I was not a freshman anymore, I needed to leave the dormitory which does not have enough rooms for all the students coming from other cities or counties. Therefore, I have to pay my rent every month, the traffic expenses to school and the meals every day.
    I chose to study in Taipei and I chose to live in a comfortable place where I reside now and the rent costs me a lot. I appreciate that my parents pay the rent for me. However, when everything is what I decide to do, I am supposed to take the responsibility so I work in order to deal with those other expenses.
    Sometimes, it is quite difficult to handle my studies and jobs simultaneously. Managing time well is really a big issue to me now. The feeling of fatigue and the idea of quitting jobs come to my mind all the time but I would ask myself why I looked for jobs. I go back to the initiation, the motive, find the energy back and tell myself, “Fight and go on.”


A2: Why, Two Part-Time Jobs

    “What? You are doing part-time jobs. Don’t get yourself so busy. You have to concentrate on your studies and have fun with your friends. Quit them.” A friend of mine said but I ignored her words as I know why I am doing jobs.
    I am a sophomore and I have two part-time jobs. My family is not so wealthy that I can ask them as much money as I wish, but I looked for jobs not because I did not have much money to spend. Responsibly is my reason.
    I moved to Taipei for my studies and the expense of everything here is high since it is the capital city. Also, when I was not a freshman any more, I needed to leave the dormitory which doesn’t have enough rooms for all the students coming from other cities or counties. Therefore, I have to pay my rent every month, the traffic expenses and the meals every day.
    I chose to study in Taipei and I chose to live in a comfortable place that costs much money. I appreciate that my parents pay the rent for me. However, when everything is what I choose to do, I am supposed to take the responsibility so I work in order to deal with those expenses.
    Sometimes, it is quite difficult to handle my studies and jobs at the same time. Managing time well is really a big issue to me now. The feeling of fatigue and the idea of quitting jobs come to my mind but I would ask myself why I looked for jobs. I go back to the initiation, the motive, find the energy back and tell myself, “Fight and go on.”


A1: An Excellent Boss (Final Version)

    To be an excellent boss, he or she must have some qualities. In the following paragraphs, I will list some characters which most people consider a boss is supposed to have.
    Bosses have to be ambitious and courageous to take risks. People without ambition are difficult to run a company by themselves. They must have goals and passion to start a business. Sometimes, they have to take risks as they need to look for new ways to make money for their enterprises and try to figure out whether this way is good or not.
    Also, bosses need to have good social skills to get along with some important people in other companies in order to help their own companies’ development. A company is hard to work on its own so it has to cooperate with other firms. Therefore, we usually see bosses are talkative because people who are bashful are underdogs in a social occasion.
    In the company, the boss has to show his leadership and responsibility. The boss is like the captain. He leads the ship and gives orders to his sailors to make them work together. He has to be responsible for every decision he makes. How high should the speed of the ship be? Which direction should the ship turn? No one wants to see a tragedy like the Titanic. Every person working in his company wants to make a profit not suffering a loss so every policy the boss chooses is important and he has to be responsible for it.
    Not everyone can really be a boss so that is why some people choose to work for others. If a person has those qualities I mentioned above, then he can actually run his own business.


A1: An Excellent Boss

    To be an excellent boos, he or she must have some qualities. What do bosses look like when they deal with things out of the company? What do they look like when they work in the company? I’m going to analyze in the following paragraphs.
    Bosses have to be ambitious and courageous to take risks. Also, they have to be social people. People without ambition are difficult to run a company. They need to look for ways to make money for their enterprises and sometimes they have to take risks as they need to try whether this way is good to make a fortune. Also, they need to be good at communication. Sometimes a company is hard to work on its own so it has to cooperate with other companies. Therefore, people who are bashful are underdogs in a social occasion.
    In the company, the boss has to show its leadership and responsibility. The boss is like the captain. He leads the ship and gives orders to his sailors. He has to be responsible for every decision he makes. No one wants to see a tragedy like the Titanic. Therefore, the captain needs to control the speed and the direction very well.
    Not everyone can really be a boos so that is why some people choose to work for others. If a person has those qualities I mentioned above, then he can probably be a good boss.