
A2: Why, Two Part-Time Jobs

    “What? You are doing part-time jobs. Don’t get yourself so busy. You have to concentrate on your studies and have fun with your friends. Quit them.” A friend of mine said but I ignored her words as I know why I am doing jobs.
    I am a sophomore and I have two part-time jobs. My family is not so wealthy that I can ask them as much money as I wish, but I looked for jobs not because I did not have much money to spend. Responsibly is my reason.
    I moved to Taipei for my studies and the expense of everything here is high since it is the capital city. Also, when I was not a freshman any more, I needed to leave the dormitory which doesn’t have enough rooms for all the students coming from other cities or counties. Therefore, I have to pay my rent every month, the traffic expenses and the meals every day.
    I chose to study in Taipei and I chose to live in a comfortable place that costs much money. I appreciate that my parents pay the rent for me. However, when everything is what I choose to do, I am supposed to take the responsibility so I work in order to deal with those expenses.
    Sometimes, it is quite difficult to handle my studies and jobs at the same time. Managing time well is really a big issue to me now. The feeling of fatigue and the idea of quitting jobs come to my mind but I would ask myself why I looked for jobs. I go back to the initiation, the motive, find the energy back and tell myself, “Fight and go on.”

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