
My Family's Lovely Pet - Yaya

    Yaya is a little shepherd. Her name is quite special; there is a story of it. When our family go out to have lunch or dinner in a restaurant and she can't come with us, she will make a strange sound as a duck quacks. YA~ YA~ That's why her name comes.

    She was once a stray dog and my sister and I took her home; this thing happened when I was in the third year of elementary school. She is really cute. I don't think her original keeper abandoned it on purpose. Maybe, she got lost so if the keeper had come to take her back, I would have cried seriously. Fortunately, we became her new keeper.

    Now, I'm a university student and Yaya has lived with us for more than 11 years. She is old like a grandmother but sometimes she is still very energetic. Her health is not always in a good condition. She needed a surgery to take out the stone in her bladder not long before. Because I study in Taipei and my home is in Pingtung, I didn't go to the hospital with her so I was quite worried when she was uncomfortable and having an operation. When my mom told me that she was back to home and she recovered steadily, I finally released.

    I don't live at home and I seldom go back so I have little time to see her and I miss her a lot. I believe whenever I go home, she will show her love and energy to me.

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