
Playing Basketball

    I was not a player on the basketball team in elementary school or in high schools. That means I had never been trained as a basketball player, but playing basketball is my interest although I'm not good at it.
    When I was a freshman, I attended the basketball team of English Department. I'm sophomore now and still one of the players. In my first year, I once thought about quitting the team. There were two reasons; one was that my mom didn't want me to play it as I might get hurt; another was that I really thought I wasn't fit to be a basketball player. Then why did I choose not to give up? There were also two reasons. One was that my Japanese friend who was a good player in the basketball team told me that the experience of staying in the team and playing basketball during the four years in university will be the memory I treasure. Another reason was that I do feel I have improved a lot when I see those freshmen and think about my poor skills of playing basketball in my first year.
    I admire some seniors who can play basketball very well in my team. I want to follow their steps and become a good player. I know it seems like mission impossible to me but practice makes perfect, right?

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