
Assignment: Everyone Pays the Price by Hadley McGraw - Summary and Reaction

        In the beginning, she tells her present situation. She counts down when her boyfriend, Martin, can get out of the jail. She says gang membership of a loved one affects people around the person.
        She was different from her boyfriend. She was a good girl, got good grades in school and obeyed her parents while Martin was a heartless boy and came from a broken home, but his bad-boy image and carefree way of life attracted her. Because of him, she became a bad girl.
        An important point woke her up and made her go back to the right track. Martin’s cousin was shot in a game of poker. He bled and died. She started thinking whether she was going to die senselessly like him one day.
        She returned to the good girl and tried to change everything wrong to right. Now, she hopes this is the last time her boyfriend goes to the jail.

It is not difficult to make friends but we need to be wise to choose what kinds of people should be our friends. If this story happened to me, I would break my parents’ hearts completely. I can live a life only one time and my life has got to be meaningful so I ask myself not to do silly things.


Writing Assignment 1: Patrick in SpongeBob SquarePants (Final Version)

        Patrick was a role that I acted in a drama before and it was my hero. When I was a freshman, I joined a team that was going to hold a winter camp for children. We designed a variety of activities to help kids learn knowledge, understand the importance of cooperation and to let them show creativity. At the beginning of each activity, we needed to act in a play and implied to children what the purpose of this activity was. Our team consisted of 22 people but there were so many dramas and characters so each of us would not act only one time. I was a princess in this drama but might be a doctor in another drama.
        Nevertheless, I was frustrated since I could not act well and show the character’s features. Every time we had a rehearsal in front of the judges who were those sophomores and the team leader, I did not get a comment that I did well or I was exactly the character. We entered the judge room so many times that I could not even count. I stood in front of the door and was about to knock it. I felt nervous and thought what comment I would get this time. As my first leg stepped into the judge room, I felt the pressure was climbing from my toes to my shoulder and rested there.
        I faced difficulty but I was not going to stop in front of the tall wall on my way to success. I was depressed and wept much but it was time to break the wall and move on. Simultaneously, there were some members who could not bear pressure and quit one by one. They left lots of characters as well as a great deal of work and we needed to share them. That meant we had to act more plays and our responsibilities grew larger and heavier. At that time, I told myself, “You don’t like acting so in the beginning, you chose the characters whose personalities are like yours so when you act, you just need to show who you are. You are serious so you chose a serious role. You are graceful so you chose a princess. When the judges see you on the stage, they just see that is you not the character. You have to act no matter how much you are like the character. Now, you need to act more. This is your second time to pick up the roles. Be wise, girl.” Then, I gave it a try. I picked up some characters that were not like me and one of them was Patrick, silly and funny.
        Unbelievably, Patrick helped me gain the good comment from the judges. They said I was so funny and showed Patrick’s features perfectly. I was delighted. I was so happy that I wanted to shout at the sky that I made it. As the day we acted in front of the kids came, it turned out that those kids loved me. They did love my character, Patrick. I thought Patrick did not match me so I did not choose this role at first. People around me said that I was the kind of person who was earnest and graceful but it did not mean I could not act funny roles. Before I tried, how could I know I could not do it? This experience let me know my potential.


Writing Assignment 1: Patrick in SpongeBob SquarePants (3)

        Patrick was a role that I acted in a drama before. When I was a freshman, I joined a team that was going to hold a winter camp for children. We designed a variety of activities which were related to learning knowledge, showing creativity, and understanding the importance of cooperation. At the beginning of each activity, we needed to act in a play and implied what the purpose of this activity was. Our team consisted of 22 people but there were so many dramas and characters so each of us would not act only one time. For instance, I was a princess in this drama but might be a wolf in another drama.
        Nevertheless, I was frustrated since I could not act well and show the character’s features. Every time we had a rehearsal in front of the judges who were those sophomores and the team leader, I did not get a comment that I did well or I was exactly the character. I faced this difficulty, asked people for advice and it was still hard for me to solve it. There were some members who could not bear pressure and quit one by one. They left lots of characters as well as a great deal of work and we needed to share them. That meant we had to act more plays and our responsibilities grew larger and heavier. At that time, I was still finding what kind of character I was suitable for and I picked up some characters one of which was Patrick.
        Surprisingly, Patrick helped me gain the good comment from the judges. They said you were funny and showed Patrick’s features perfectly. I was delighted. I was so happy that I wanted to shout at the sky that I made it. As the day we acted in front of the kids came, it turned out that those kids loved me; they loved my character, Patrick. I thought Patrick did not match me so I did not choose this role at first. People around me said that I was the kind of person who was earnest and graceful but it did not mean I could not act funny roles. Before I tried, how could I know I could not do it? This experience let me know my potential.


Writing Assignment 1: Patrick in SpongeBob SquarePants (2)

        Patrick was a role that I acted in a drama before. When I was a freshman, I joined a team that was going to hold a winter camp for children. We designed a variety of activities which were related to learning knowledge, showing creativity, and understanding the importance of cooperation. At the beginning of each activity, we needed to act in a play. Our team consisted of 22 people but there were so many dramas and characters so each of us would not act only one time. For instance, I was a princess in this drama but might be a wolf in another drama.
        Nevertheless, I was frustrated since I could not act well and show the character’s feature. Every time we had a rehearsal in front of the judges who were those sophomores and the team leader, I didn’t get a comment that I did well and I was exactly the character. I faced this difficulty, asked people for advice and it was still hard for me to solve it. There were some members who could not bear pressure and quit one by one. They left lots of characters as well as a great deal of work and we needed to share them. That meant we had to act more plays and our responsibilities grew larger and heavier. At that time, I was still finding what kind of character I was suitable for and I picked up some characters one of which was Patrick.
        Surprisingly, Patrick helped me gain the good comment from the judges. They said you were funny and showed Patrick’s features perfectly. As the day we acted in front of kids came, it turned out that those kids loved me; they loved my character, Patrick. I thought Patrick didn’t match me so I didn’t choose this role at first. I was the kind of person who was earnest and graceful but it didn’t mean I couldn’t act funny roles. Before I tried, how could I know I couldn’t do it? This experience let me know my potential.


Writing Assignment 1: Patrick in SpongeBob SquarePants

Patrick was a role that I acted in a drama before. When I was a freshman, I joined a team that was going to hold a winter camp for children. We designed a variety of activities which were related to knowledge, creativity, and cooperation. At the beginning of each activity, we needed to act in a play. Our team consisted of 22 people but there were so many dramas and characters so each of us would not act only one time. For instance, I was a princess in this drama but a wolf in another drama. Nevertheless, I was frustrated since I could not act well and show the character’s feature. Every time we had a rehearsal in front of the judges who were those sophomores and the team leader, I didn’t get a comment that I did well and I was exactly the character. I faced this difficulty, asked people for advice and it is still hard for me to solve it. There were some members who could not bear pressure and quit one by one. They left lots of characters as well as a great deal of work and we needed to share them. That meant we had to act more plays and our responsibilities grew larger and heavier. At that time, I was still finding what kind of character I was suitable for and I picked up some characters one of which was Patrick. Surprising, Patrick helped me gain the good comment from the judges. They said you were funny and showed Patrick’s features perfectly. As the day we acted in front of kids came, they loved me; they loved my character, Patrick. I thought Patrick didn’t match me so I didn’t choose this role at first. I was the kind of person who was earnest and graceful but it didn’t mean I couldn’t act funny roles. Before I tried, how could I know I couldn’t do it? This experience let me know my potential.


My Family's Lovely Pet - Yaya (Final Version)

    Yaya is a little shepherd. Her name is quite special; there is a story of it. When our family go out to have lunch or dinner in a restaurant and she can't come with us, she will make a strange sound as a duck quacks. YA~ YA~ That's why she got this name.

    She was once a stray dog and my sister and I took her home; this thing happened when I was in the third grade of elementary school. She is really cute. I don't think her original keeper abandoned it on purpose. Maybe, she got lost so if the keeper had come to take her back, I would have cried seriously. Fortunately, we became her new keeper.

    Now, I'm a university student and Yaya has lived with us for more than 11 years. She is old like a grandmother but sometimes she is still very energetic. Her health is not always in a good condition. She needed a surgery to take out the stone in her bladder not long before. Because I study in Taipei and my home is in Pingtung, I didn't go to the hospital with her so I was quite worried when she was uncomfortable in having an operation. When my mom told me that she was back home and she recovered steadily, I was finally released.

    I don't live at home and I seldom go back so I have little time to see her and I miss her a lot. I believe whenever I go home, she will show her love and energy to me.

Playing Basketball (Final Version)

    I was not a player on the basketball team in elementary school or in high schools. That means I had never been trained as a basketball player, but playing basketball is my interest although I'm not good at it.
    When I was a freshman, I attended the basketball team of English Department. I'm a sophomore now and still one of the players. In my first year, I once thought about quitting the team. There were two reasons; one was that my mom didn't want me to play it as I might get hurt; another was that I really thought I wasn't fit to be a basketball player. Then why did I choose not to give up? There were also two reasons. One was that my Japanese friend who was a good player in the basketball team told me that the experience of staying in the team and playing basketball during the four years in university will be the memory I treasure. Another reason was that I do feel I have improved a lot when I see those freshmen and think about my poor skills of playing basketball in my first year.
    I admire some seniors who can play basketball very well in my team. I want to follow their steps and become a good player. I know it seems like mission impossible to me but practice makes perfect, right?

Life in Seattle (Final Version)

    I'm thankful that my parents allowed me to go to the United States with the Department Chair, Jonathan Klassen, and the students of English Department. I had a wonderful language travel this August. We spent four days in San Francisco and three weeks in Seattle.

    I was homesick on the first day in San Francisco and afraid of speaking English because I was in a different country and I wasn't familiar with American customs, but after that day, I talked in English a lot haha. I guess it's not difficult for me to get used to it.

    The photo is my class in University of Washington. I love my teacher, Patty, very much. She is so energetic and earnest that I had a great time during class. The girl on the left of me in the picture is called Yumiko. She is my best Japanese friend that I met in Seattle. Our personalities are similar so we get along with each other very well.

    Great time always passes fast, doesn't it? I hated to say goodbye to my teacher, classmates and friends. I said farewell to Yumiko and cried a lot that night when I needed to leave the dorm for the airport. The picture shows the pair of rings and that represents our firm friendship.

    I'm sure that my English improved through this language travel. I didn't learned much from classes but from the street. It's the environment that pushes you to speak English. The next summer, if I have a chance to go abroad again, I will do it without hesitation.


Assignment: The Topic Sentence

Exercises: Fill in each blank with the topic sentence.

2.  Barbecue is an interesting and summery entertainment.
The process of creating the barbecue is even more fun and important than the result.  First, the family has to decide on matters such as exactly what kinds of food and in what quantities.  Next, shopping is often done by two or more family members, while the others stay at home to prepare the grill, the table, and the tableware.  When everyone is ready to start grilling, the smells from the roasting food and the sound of the crackling coals make everyone super hungry.  A constant stream of people and dishes floods out from the kitchen onto the backyard table, just like ants finding and saving their food.  Finally, when all the food is ready and the cold drinks have been poured, a barbecue symbolizes summer itself.

3.  The eastern city, Taipei, is different from cities in the west.
If you are a resident of Taipei and travel overseas, one of the first things you will notice is that during the evening hours, cities seem to close their doors before the night has even begun.  Supermarkets, department stores, and drugstores close before 9:00 p.m.  Movies stop playing and buses and subways stop running before midnight.  The sidewalks are nearly empty, and few cars venture forth on the streets.  In Taipei, however, one can play 24 hours every day.  Movies run until the early hours of the morning, KTVs and MTVs operate 24 hours, and crowded discos and pubs play loud music to dancers and drinkers until dawn.  In Taipei, the nights are as busy as the days.

4.  We can gain fun from reference books.
We all know about looking up words in dictionaries, and perhaps finding cities in an atlas or a description of some fact in an encyclopedia, but few of us realize that these books can also be a source of pleasure.  Dictionaries, for example, not only contain the meaning and pronunciation of words.  They can also tell us where the words come from or how to distinguish similar words.  Atlases, too, not only show maps of countries; they contain interesting information about race, language, history, and biology.  Encyclopedias can be entertaining: just choose one, open it up, and start learning about something you never knew before!  We too often use reference books in a hurry; we should realize that they can be as much fun as they are useful.

5.  The popularity of the train seems not to recede but keep growing.
In this modern world with faster means of transportation available to more people, the train nevertheless continues to be popular.  In most countries, train tickets are often sold out.  Why do so many people want to take the train?  Perhaps it is because they are reasonably priced--cheaper than an airplane--and have large windows from which we can comfortably view the passing world.  Maybe trains are popular because they never get stuck in traffic jams, as cars and buses often do.  Another reason may be that trains are older and sometimes seem a little romantic.  For whatever reason, do not be surprised to see people preferring trains to other modes of transportation far into the future.

6.  How to choose a healthy snack rather than junk food?
Actually, they are easy to distinguish.  Snack food refers to any food which is eaten between the three primary meals of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Snack food can be any kind of food, such as leftovers, fruit, candy, and a sandwich.  Junk food refers to any food which is not nutritious and may actually be bad for us, such as candy, deep-fried meat, and doughnuts.  Finally, the term fast food is used for foods cooked at fast-food restaurants.  Some fast food is also junk food, as it contains too much salt and oil.  In short, when you want some snack food, don’t eat junk food or fast food!

7.  Hello Kitty is a shooting star, attractive but disappearing quickly.
The amount of attention devoted to the cartoon kitty from Japan is ridiculous.  One day on the bus, I saw a young woman next to me reading a magazine.  At least, I thought it was a magazine.  Upon more careful inspection, I noticed that it was actually a Hello Kitty mail-order catalogue.  There were at least a hundred pages of pictures of Hello Kitty clothing, pens, notebooks, furniture--anything you could imagine!  The poor woman would no doubt order something from this catalogue, but after a year or two, this fad would be replaced by another.  What a silly waste of money!

8.  There are some positive and negative opinions about uniforms.
Some people feel that having a dress code reduces students’ creativity.  They say that by wearing the same clothes every day, students will never learn to dress themselves for work or social occasions.  They also point out that student uniforms alone can not make all students look equal because students can wear expensive watches or hair styles instead.  On the other hand, other people think that dress codes allow for easy identification of students and will reduce student crimes.  These people also say that uniforms save both time and money when dressing in the morning.  As we can see, there are good reasons to support each side’s argument.  How do you feel about school uniforms?