
Assignment: Everyone Pays the Price by Hadley McGraw - Summary and Reaction

        In the beginning, she tells her present situation. She counts down when her boyfriend, Martin, can get out of the jail. She says gang membership of a loved one affects people around the person.
        She was different from her boyfriend. She was a good girl, got good grades in school and obeyed her parents while Martin was a heartless boy and came from a broken home, but his bad-boy image and carefree way of life attracted her. Because of him, she became a bad girl.
        An important point woke her up and made her go back to the right track. Martin’s cousin was shot in a game of poker. He bled and died. She started thinking whether she was going to die senselessly like him one day.
        She returned to the good girl and tried to change everything wrong to right. Now, she hopes this is the last time her boyfriend goes to the jail.

It is not difficult to make friends but we need to be wise to choose what kinds of people should be our friends. If this story happened to me, I would break my parents’ hearts completely. I can live a life only one time and my life has got to be meaningful so I ask myself not to do silly things.

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