
Writing Assignment 1: Patrick in SpongeBob SquarePants (2)

        Patrick was a role that I acted in a drama before. When I was a freshman, I joined a team that was going to hold a winter camp for children. We designed a variety of activities which were related to learning knowledge, showing creativity, and understanding the importance of cooperation. At the beginning of each activity, we needed to act in a play. Our team consisted of 22 people but there were so many dramas and characters so each of us would not act only one time. For instance, I was a princess in this drama but might be a wolf in another drama.
        Nevertheless, I was frustrated since I could not act well and show the character’s feature. Every time we had a rehearsal in front of the judges who were those sophomores and the team leader, I didn’t get a comment that I did well and I was exactly the character. I faced this difficulty, asked people for advice and it was still hard for me to solve it. There were some members who could not bear pressure and quit one by one. They left lots of characters as well as a great deal of work and we needed to share them. That meant we had to act more plays and our responsibilities grew larger and heavier. At that time, I was still finding what kind of character I was suitable for and I picked up some characters one of which was Patrick.
        Surprisingly, Patrick helped me gain the good comment from the judges. They said you were funny and showed Patrick’s features perfectly. As the day we acted in front of kids came, it turned out that those kids loved me; they loved my character, Patrick. I thought Patrick didn’t match me so I didn’t choose this role at first. I was the kind of person who was earnest and graceful but it didn’t mean I couldn’t act funny roles. Before I tried, how could I know I couldn’t do it? This experience let me know my potential.

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